Code is not enough
The complexity of today’s modern home is very intense, with countless intricate details, and millions of individual parts. Not to mention the substantial monetary investment
Proverbs 24:3
Featured on Home & Garden Television
“Your attention to detail and personalization has set a standard that few can live up to. Both personally and professionally, I applaud your efforts.”
The complexity of today’s modern home is very intense, with countless intricate details, and millions of individual parts. Not to mention the substantial monetary investment
The building is designed & engineered to ensure that all materials are used to maximum structural and functional advantage while virtually eliminating unnecessary waste. All
ESMB maximizes energy efficiency, our homes exceed energy standards in the local & national building codes for thermal insulation, heating, cooling & ventilation, as well
“Through wisdom is a house built and by understanding it is perfected.”
Proverbs 24:3
Copyright Evan Sawyer Master Builder 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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